Biomarkers associated with obstructive sleep apnea and morbidities: a scoping review.

De Luca Canto G, Pachêco-Pereira C, Aydinoz S, Major PW, Flores-Mir C, Gozal D. Sleep Med. 2015 Mar;16(3):347-57. Epub 2015 Jan 15.

OBJECTIVE: To map potential biomarkers of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)-associated morbidities in both adults and children, to identify gaps in current evidence, and to determine the value of conducting a full systematic review.
METHODS: A scoping review was undertaken of studies in patients with OSA that evaluated the potential value of biological markers in identifying OSA-associated morbidities. Retained articles were only those studies whose main objective was to identify morbidity biomarkers in subjects with OSA, the latter being confirmed with a full overnight polysomnography (PSG) in a laboratory or at-home settings. The methodology of the selected studies was classified using an adaptation of the evidence quality criteria recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Additionally the biomarkers were categorized according to their potential clinical applicability.
RESULTS: 572 citations were identified of which 48 met inclusion criteria. Thirty-four studies were conducted in adults and 14 involved children. Most of the studies evaluated blood biomarkers, and presented 31 potential diagnostic biomarkers.
CONCLUSION: The majority of studies that performed explored blood-based biomarkers, with most not identifying definitive morbidity biomarkers. Of the potentially promising morbidity biomarkers, plasma IL-6 and high sensitivity C-reactive protein appear to exhibit a favorable profile, and may discriminate OSA patients with and without morbidities in both adults and children. MRP 8/14 was retained in children as well as cardiovascular morbidity-associated biomarker. Urinary neurotransmitters may also provide a good tool for screening OSA cognitive morbidity in children.

Ventana Científica. Diciembre 2015. Artículo 95
Biomarkers associated with obstructive sleep apnea and morbidities: a scoping review.


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